Saturday, December 6, 2008

Coromandel Peninsula

Hello everyone! Sorry it's been a while since I've added some more pics! Hopefully I'll get some more updated and have another newsletter by next month. This has been a busy month and the next one will be busy in the beginning!
We went to the Coromandel yesterday and these are some pics of us going to Hot Water Beach (where you go at low tide and dig a hole in the sand and a bunch of hot water comes up and makes like a natural hot tub. There is molten rock and hot sulfur underneath and the sea is right next to it bringing in water.) We also went to Cathedral Cove (this place is in the 2nd Narnia movie). We went up to Shakespeare's Cliff ( a place REALLY high up with a beautiful view) and we took the ferry over to Whitianga and saw some shops over there. It was a trip with just our team and our co-ordinators. It was really awesome and we all had a great time enjoying another part of New Zealand! :)

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