Thursday, October 23, 2008

Weekend Trip to Napier

This past weekend our team took a 4 hr. trip to Napier, New Zealand to see the other AIM team one last time. They are done with their field time (as they were in the class before us) and are leaving in early November. They wanted us to see some of the work they've been doing and the place where they spent their mission time.
We got to stay with some host families in the church, do some service projects, do a skit for a kid's class and in front of the church, go rock climbing, have a lot of devos. and singing nights to encourage one another, and we got to meet some of the youth and young adults they've been working with and mentoring.
Over all, it was a really neat trip and a great chance to see another part of new zealand, as well as God's people in all different parts! We hope to be able to continue to encourage that church there and to maybe visit again some time! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, sorry it has been so long. We've been out of pocket with moving and settling in and not having internet at our house. Just wanted you to know I was thinking about you! I like your new picture on top and have you been loosing weight?? I like your hair color and you are looking good, girl! We love you. Keep close to God and accountable to each other!